Frequently Asked Questions

YTDLnis facilitates downloading multiple videos at once by creating a download queue which automatically fetches videos one after another, ensuring a seamless downloading experience​.

Yes, YTDLnis has a built-in video conversion feature which allows you to convert videos to different formats​.

You can select different download formats either from the bottom card right from the share menu or by creating a txt file filled with links, playlists, or search queries separated by a new line, which the app will process​.

Once the download is complete, YTDLnis will scan the files into the system media library and store them in the download history.

Yes, for advanced usage, you can create and store multiple command templates in the app, then select and use one of them directly to execute the yt-dlp command like in a terminal through the Custom Command mode.

Yes, YTDLnis is considered safe, no need to worry about anything. You should download it from our official website to ensure authenticity and security. Our website is the official source for obtaining the YTDLnis app.

If you have any further inquiries or require assistance regarding the YTDLnis app, we are here to help. Whether it's about the functionalities, troubleshooting, or any suggestions to improve our app, your input is valuable to us. Please feel free to reach out to us via email at [email protected]. Our team is dedicated to providing support and ensuring a seamless user experience. Your satisfaction and feedback are paramount to us, and we look forward to addressing your queries promptly.