YTDLnis Changelogs

YTDLnis (v1.7.8)


  • Now you can enable incognito on the go and prevent the download from creating a history record of it when it's finished. If incognito mode is on, it will be enabled by default.
  • Now you can enable sync in observe sources when the app will match every video with what it has downloaded so far. So that if you delete a record from the playlist, the app will do the same.
  • Now you can select which screens you can show in the bottom navigation. Home and More are essential, so they can't be removed.
  • Available screens: Home, Downloads, Queue, Terminal, More.
  • You can also select the label visibility of the bottom navigation.
  • Prevented the user from spamming pause and resume, making the app confused in such a short period of time.
  • Re-implemented format importance sorting in the app, resembling the yt-dlp one.
  • Added feature to keep the screen on while the video plays in the cut player.
  • Fixed the app not adding a fallback to best audio when downloading audio formats using a format ID.
  • Made the app limit titles to 180 characters instead of 120.
  • Hid free space label in command mode if the app can't read the folder.
  • Fixed the app still using the cache folder when the app has all files access but the folder didn't exist.
  • Added ability to swap format source from piped to yt-dlp if the item is a YouTube video.
  • Added a feature to choose if you want to restore the backup or erase everything from the app and start fresh with just the saved data.
  • Moved some YouTube-focused settings to their own category in the general settings.
  • Other small things here and there.

YTDLnis (v1.7.6)


  • Made finished notification icon color to red
  • Added download path in the history item details sheet
  • Fixed Download On Schedule feature. Switched back to AlarmManager as it's more accurate than WorkManager
  • Removed move to top and to bottom in the scheduled tab. Code cleanup
  • Fixed a huge issue when you press cancel to the quick download item before the data isn't fully fetched, it would go back to being queued after the data fetching is finally done
  • Moved force keyframes at cuts in the general category in processing settings
  • Showed the number when you select all items in the context menu bar
  • Fixed app going always to the search bar when you return to home if you launched the search shortcut from the app menu
  • Fixed app not hiding update formats button after updating formats
  • Fixed app not passing ba/b in format logic when using generic best audio format
  • Fixed meta track parse metadata
  • Fixed app not cancelling downloads in some cases
  • Fixed huge issue when using multiple download card and it wouldn't keep user defined changes
  • Fixed app not removing download notification when cancelling download
  • Fixed some errors in Arabic interface when selecting playlist items
  • Limited characters in cut interface textboxes to just numbers, colons, and periods
  • When user had a defined preferred format ID and the user selects a generic 'best' format, the app just accounted for that format ID and didn't consider the preferred video resolution as a fallback
  • Fixed when trying to schedule a video download and setting it to download as audio as well, the audio is put in queued and not in scheduled
  • Fixed app crashing when trying to tap adjust download in the errored notification, in case the user removed the download beforehand
  • Added ability to modify the download item in the queue. But to prevent the app from starting the download prematurely, it is moved to the saved category and after you hit ok it will be requeued. If you cancel the edit card, the item will stay in saved
  • Fixed app resetting user defined changes in the download card like the download path when it finally updates data
  • Fixed app crashing when trying to open a download that has no duration in it. Now it's disabled
  • Previously the app would change the state of downloads to Paused, whether it is activepaused or queuedpaused. Since the app now simply pauses all downloads, there is no need to do such transformations especially when you could have many items in the queue. Now simply the app cancels the ytdlp instances and the download worker and stores a state whether the downloads are paused or not
  • Fixed album playlist track not being saved #482
  • Fixed retries and fragment retries settings not applying
  • Fixed container in RTL not showing correctly in video tab in the download card
  • Fixed bad spacing in RTL for search engines
  • Fixed app crashing when you multiple select cancelled downloads for redownload
  • Removed the ability of the app to rename extractors in the history tab. Now they are raw from yt-dlp
  • Changelog was too slow and buggy, so now it's on a recyclerview ultra fast
  • Fixed the case when you pasted multiple links in the home section and only one item would be registered
  • Fixed observe sources not downloading new uploads when checked as such
  • On select playlist items the end textbox was not purely numeric. Fixed
  • Fixed sub format conversion not applying when embedding subtitles
  • Added scheduled as a backup category in the settings
  • Added ability to show cookie details
  • Fixed app crash in some cases when you copied multiple URLs and tapped the FAB in home screen
  • Removed excessive file permissions for API 30 and above

YTDLnis (v1.7.5)


  • Added AVI / FLV / MOV video container options.
  • Fixed app not showing the current download's command if it was a command type download when coming from multiple download sheet.
  • Added release year from description as metadata for audio downloads.
  • Set progress bar as indeterminate when it reached 100% so people won't think it froze (it's ffmpeg working, and it doesn't have a progress callback).
  • Fixed app crashing when trying to toggle on Show Terminal in share sheet.
  • Fixed app crashing when going on landscape when you open the format list.
  • Fixed app not disabling the keep fragments toggle if you toggled the don't download as fragments.
  • Fixed app not fetching format list when some formats had None as a filesize.
  • Fixed app only showing the download type icon in the finished notification only when you expanded it. Now it's a popping orange.
  • Showed navigation bar color when opening the download card.
  • Showed stylized codec name for generic audio formats.
  • Fixed app crashing when going on landscape when you open the multiple download card.
  • Fixed app crashing when you tapped the home button twice on foldable mode.
  • Fixed observe sources spamming and running every second.
  • Swapped around some icons.
  • Added new Language - BULGARIAN.
  • Showed the download path in the finished notification.
  • Fixed calculating the next time observe sources should run.
  • Added a scheduled section in the download queue so that they don't stay in the same spot with queued items that are expected to run soon. You can see their ETA there for each item.

YTDLnis (v1.7.3.1)


  • Added ability to select all items between two selected items in the download queue.
  • Fixed issue where app only captured one URL when tapping "Link you copied" in search view, even if multiple links were copied.
  • Fixed crash on playlist selector when sharing a playlist, due to misconfiguration with new changes.
  • Fixed issue where app did not remove downloads that had errors, were cancelled, or saved, after re-queuing them for download.
  • Added option to copy URLs of selected downloads in the download queue screen.
  • Improved notifications to show all finished and errored downloads, instead of only the latest one.
  • Partially fixed issue where the app did not provide the correct path when sharing a file from the notification.
  • Fixed crash when loading SoundCloud results due to excessively large thumbnails; they are now resized.
  • Added option to reset the recorded links in observe resources when updating, preventing automatic reset as before.
  • Fixed major bug where extra quotes were added in the yt-dlp config, causing failures with titles containing quotes.

YTDLnis (v1.7.3)


  • Added names to subtitle codes in the subtitle selector dialog.
  • When using filename templates, the app automatically adds ".170B" in the title tag and ".30B" in the uploader tag unless customized.
  • Improved speed in scheduling downloads immediately after a quick download.
  • Fixed issue with app not updating the item data after scheduling a download.
  • Resolved issue of new cookie items containing previous cookie's data.
  • Fixed app not updating playlist thumbnail during download.
  • Included a note in the auto-updater mentioning that APKs come from the GitHub repository.
  • Added an option to disable swipe gestures on the download card for audio, video, and commands.
  • Improved user experience by indicating a download card is updating, asking users to wait instead of prompting for an update.
  • Clearing search results now cancels any running query jobs.
  • Removed the "Copy Cookie" button when creating a new cookie for clarity.
  • Updated various icons throughout the app.
  • Enhanced handling of multiple copied links, allowing users to add or remove links in the search view.
  • Introduced a feature displaying the item count for each tab in the download queue.
  • Added a feature to download the current video item as audio, using settings from the audio tab.
  • Implemented a check for duplicate records when fetching playlist data.
  • Made video and audio titles more prominent in the format selection card.
  • Fixed format updates not reflecting while in incognito mode in the multiple download card.
  • Added content descriptions for buttons to enhance accessibility for users with visual impairments or those using TalkBack.
  • Introduced a feature to check only for future videos in observe sources.

YTDLnis (v1.7.2)


  • Made the history card slightly taller.
  • Resolved an issue where the app wasn't using the "-S" format sorter for normal GUI downloads.
  • Added the option to disable swipe gestures to the multiple download card.
  • Introduced a recyclerview to the search results to fix bugs and ensure results always display.
  • Updated the history item card design for quick-downloaded playlists or multiple file cuts. These are now grouped together, allowing for sharing all at once. A new dialog will prompt you to choose which file to open, and deleted items will be greyed out.
  • Improved shortcut behavior, allowing duplicates to be added to the textbox without checks.

YTDLnis (v1.7.1)


  • Added the ability to notify the user when all the queries are finished processing.
  • Fixes in autonumber template for cut files. Removed extra spacing.
  • Added the ability to update the card if the cut button is disabled due to missing data.
  • Fixed generic format string for worst audio and worst video.
  • Removed output-na-placeholder.
  • Added a scrollbar to the cut bottom sheet in cases where you could make an absurd number of cuts.
  • Removed suggested chips that the user had already chosen to avoid duplication.
  • Fixed app crashing if it failed to update yt-dlp on startup.
  • Fixed app crashing if it failed updating formats in the download card. It will now show a dialog of the error.
  • Fixed changelog being too slow after clicking it.
  • Made the details card fullscreen if you are in landscape.
  • Allowed the user to create a command template on the spot if their command tab is disabled in the download card and send you right to it after creation.
  • Other small fixes.

YTDLnis (v1.7.0)


  • Fixed error notification not being dismissed and having a progress bar.
  • Fixed editing filename template not using multiple copies of the same tag and writing at the cursor.
  • Fixed appending search items in the search view not working for links.
  • Fixed terminal removing any instance of yt-dlp in the command instead of just the beginning.
  • Added ability to long press an item in the format details sheet to see the full string, and copy it/strings.
  • Ellipsised really long titles and authors in history/download details bottom sheet.
  • Now you can see all available piped instances in the piped instance dialog for you to choose.
  • Removed really long format commands and replaced them with -S format sorting.
  • Fixed app not hiding adjust templates if the user unchecked it.
  • Added ability to show the command that was used in a history item; you can also see that in a queued, cancelled, etc., download.
  • Implemented preferred Audio Language. App will automatically choose audio with your preference if it can find it, both in the download card and if you quick downloaded it.
  • Added subtitle language codes suggestions on the settings page.
  • Made the extractor chips in the history page Sentence case.
  • Added a changelog screen where you can see recent releases, and you can download the APKs from it too.
  • Prevented the app from crashing when trying to back up from a corrupted backup.
  • Added uploader_id as a fallback for author data fetching in yt-dlp in case others are empty.
  • Fixed null pointer exception when running the update multiple items formats worker.
  • Added the seconds where the cut starts on downloads with cuts in them.
  • Made autonumbers be normal numbers instead of being 5 digits.
  • Fixed filename templates in cut files and added the index at the beginning and fixed bugs if the users left the template as empty.
  • Added 240p as a generic format.

YTDLnis (v1.6.9)


  • Errored downloads sometimes had no title if it was quickly downloaded, showing URL instead.
  • Fixed logs not being highlightable.
  • Fixed app crashing when moving to landscape with the download card on, as well as for the details card.
  • Fixed app crashing if you pressed download before data is loaded.
  • Fixed app going to the main activity when using rvx.
  • Fixed errored downloads log button crashing the app.
  • Added Hungarian language support.
  • Added Serbian language support.
  • Added the ability to enable/disable swipe gestures on any screen.
  • Added the ability to choose whether extra commands apply to audio, video, or both.
  • Hide search providers if the user has typed out a URL in the search view.
  • Fixed log removing some lines.
  • Added MASTER channel in yt-dlp updates.
  • Made errored downloads a separate notification channel.
  • Fixed notification language conflict for Portugal and Brazil in worker notification.
  • Kept the state of the download card when going in landscape, even while updating data.
  • Added crop thumbnail to adjust audio preferences.
  • Fixed command templates creation card showing extra command checkboxes even though extra command is disabled.
  • Fixed preferred audio codec disrupting preferred audio id.
  • Made command tab sync title and author changes in the download item.
  • Fixed app duplicating --download-sections when spamming the extra commands page.
  • Added BUFFER SIZE as a preference in download settings.
  • Fixed prx series search engine not working.

YTDLnis (v1.6.8.2-beta)


  • Stored download command in history item and added check before downloading if its already downloaded.
  • Fixed app not cancelling terminal download.
  • Fixed app crashing when tapping in the download directory in the card.
  • Added ability to remember last used download type.
  • Added preferred audio codec in quick downloads
  • Cleaned up full_description.txt.
  • Fixed app not cancelling format update worker.
  • Added user agent header toggle in the cookies page
  • Added ability to store full terminal log when returning. If you run multiple commands in a single session. It will store the log as long as its alive or you are in the terminal screen.
  • Added functionality for activity intents which is compatible with tasker and macrodroid.

YTDLnis (v1.6.8.1-beta)


  • Include search history when searching.
  • Removed scroll bug from command tab.
  • Added spacing between command template title and OK button in selection card.
  • Made download progress not duplicate in terminal.
  • Made ability to store terminal state.
  • Added ability to create multiple terminal instances and show them as a list similar to download queue.
  • Fixed thumbnail download not working.
  • Fixed app crashing when clicking on format updated notification.
  • Fixed app crashing when double clicking format on multiple download card.
  • Added custom SponsorBlock API preference.
  • Removed contextual app bar when it's enabled and the user taps the log button in the errored tab.
  • Made app always show quick download card and asynchronously load data. Quick Download now if it's on, it won't load data at all.
  • Added shimmer when loading data in the download card.
  • Fixed app showing no formats if there were no common formats. Now it will give you generic formats.
  • Made open command template list be half the screen, shortcuts third of the screen so the user can see what it's being added.
  • Fixed sometimes app skipping queued downloads even though it's told to pause all.
  • Fixed trim filenames cutting files too short.
  • Made MediaStore scanning of files one by one.
  • Fixed filename template not working in multiple download card.
  • Fixed -F in terminal not being inline.
  • Added preferred audio codec.
  • Made auto update on boot if there are no active downloads.
  • Fixed format text overlapping.
  • Added a new error activity dialog in cases YT-DLP data fetching in the home screen fails. You can copy the log.

YTDLnis (v1.6.7)


  • Fixed Terminal not showing shared link.
  • Fixed Terminal sometimes not showing the progress text.
  • Changed Terminal share logo color.
  • Added Javanese language.
  • Added Bengali India language.
  • Fixed app adding bestaudio in format even if remove audio is set.
  • Made app fetch only link parts from sources like Pinterest that also include text in front.
  • Added ability to switch to the beta channel for updating. You can also downgrade to the latest release version.
  • Fixed app not restarting when changing language.
  • Added word wrap toggles for logs and terminal.
  • Added Auto Preferred Download Type. It will open as Audio if the site is known to post audio files and video for the rest.
  • Added collected file size in multi download card.
  • Fixed app not selecting best format.
  • Fixed YouTube Music Playlist not loading.
  • Fixed SponsorBlock not showing as checked in multiple download card #271.
  • Added playlist title and playlist index metadata in playlist items so you can use them in filename templates #272 #270.
  • Added -a path.txt if you share a text file to the app and the preferred download type is command or terminal.
  • Fixed app cancelling WorkManager earlier than expected.
  • Added title and author sync between audio and video tabs #241.
  • Fixed format details fps in Arabic being rtl.
  • Removed h264 from codec.
  • Fixed Search engine not getting updated in home when changing in settings fragment.
  • Added language preference in Android 13 and up.
  • Added multiple selection for command templates.
  • Fixed issue when app crashes when creating config files for items with weird titles #276.
  • Added multiline titles of preferences.
  • Fixed app conflicting format id with a generic format id.
  • Finally shrunk the size down lol.

YTDLnis (v1.6.6)


  • Added saved downloads in settings backup.
  • Enlarged icon in downloading notification.
  • Fixed notification cancel and pause functionality.
  • Fixed app's home screen preferences for downloads.
  • Removed trailing 000001 in file name after a single cut.
  • Removed log id from downloads upon log deletion.
  • Fixed crash during listing of large text logs.
  • Fixed app choosing last, not first, in multiple preferred audio formats.
  • Enabled merging of preferred audio formats like 140+251,250 if available.
  • Fixed file transfer issue, reverted to hidden cache folder for some phones.
  • Fixed app saving as MKV despite MP4 set as container.
  • Added shortcuts button to commands tab.
  • Enabled syntax highlighting in commands tab textbox.
  • Fixed TikTok videos not saving correctly.
  • Fixed open file intent issue.
  • Added Hindi, Croatian, Norwegian, Tamil, Telugu, and Thai languages.
  • Included Readme in Azerbaijani and
  • Displayed generic format ids in format list if no formats available.
  • Fixed multi-select dialog color inconsistency in settings.
  • Fixed navbar color mismatch in settings activity.
  • Added license and security info to app info.
  • Fixed subtitle format conversion issue.
  • Retained terminal state during landscape orientation.
  • Stretched log text horizontally like terminal.
  • Added more small fixes and updates.
  • Enabled combination of all preferred video, audio formats, codecs, and containers.
  • Added Download Scheduling with customizable time periods.
  • Enabled manual time setting for downloads, overriding scheduling period.
  • Added option to bypass internal storage caching with all files access.
  • Provided solution for write permission errors by turning caching back on.

YTDLnis (v1.6.5)


  • App now usable as share method in Facebook Mod.
  • Extracommand preference ignored in backups.
  • No info fetching in command as preferred download type outside quick download mode.
  • Fixed incomplete card display in landscape mode.
  • Fixed issue with cookies import.
  • Improved landscape video player fit on home screen.
  • Fixed disappearance of monochrome icon.
  • Added YT-DLP auto-update option in settings.
  • Fixed Bilibili videos issue in normal mode.
  • Added codec preference options: h264, h265, av1, avc, vp9.
  • Fixed OK button issue in cut screen with TO text box changes.
  • Added force keyframes at cuts switch in cut screen.
  • Added 3 dots in multiple download card for configuring chips in a separate card.
  • Fixed truncated text issue in playlist select card's start end textboxes.
  • Added feature to start a download immediately, pushing queue behind.
  • Normalized scrollbar handle size.
  • Fixed erroneous tab redirection when tapping errored download notification.
  • Set distinct icon for terminal in share menu.
  • Ignored extra command preference in command templates backups.
  • Enabled multiline preference titles for lengthy titles.
  • Fixed external cookies import issue.
  • Fixed brief continue button display with no paused downloads.
  • Added home screen state to prevent trending videos display during item search.
  • Implemented batch downloads in single worker for system performance.
  • Fixed Instagram status multi-video issue.
  • Fixed Bilibili issue in normal mode.
  • Fixed file overwriting issue, now adds (1) to filename instead.

YTDLnis (v1.6.4)


  • Added Preferred Audio Format ID.
  • Fixed Korean bad strings.
  • Fixed 'please wait' card display issue.
  • Fixed audio format using MP4 containers.
  • Added Portuguese, Punjabi, and Greek languages.
  • Fixed container update in multi select card.
  • Fixed swipe to delete bug in queued section.
  • Added 'download now' option for scheduled items in context menu.
  • Tapping errored notification leads to errored tab or log based on log setting.
  • Added preferred format ordering by ID, filesize, and container.
  • Fixed format display issue in modifying current download item.
  • Fixed app showing generic formats erroneously.
  • Stored static strings for 'best' and 'worst' to avoid language change confusion.
  • Displayed collected filesize on download queue.
  • Potentially fixed crash in queued screen.
  • Fixed file movement issue in fresh install.
  • Added download retries options [--retries and --fragment-retries].
  • Improved app stability with download logs.
  • Enabled download logs for updated quick downloaded items.
  • Added app architecture and build type in about section.
  • Added "force-keyframes-at-cuts" preference.
  • Displayed download type in logs.
  • Fixed video display issue in cut screen.
  • Fixed xhamster results issue.
  • Long press download button to save for later, not schedule.
  • App icon background changes with theme.
  • Fixed re-download bug with different type for a history item.
  • Auto-update scheduled item after queuing.
  • Various fixes in output templates.
  • Fixed translated strings issue in saving container and vcodec.
  • Added download thumbnail functionality.
  • Option to disable thumbnails on certain screens.
  • Added subtitle conversion feature.
  • Added YouTube music search provider.
  • App name color changes with theme.
  • Fixed translation issue on format card.
  • Option to hide terminal from share menu.
  • Fixed active downloads cancellation on removing a queued item.
  • Fixed filename template issue on Odysee.
  • Added orange theme option.
  • Fixed cookies saving issue on older devices.
  • Fixed folder creation instead of merging when moving files.
  • Support for multiple preferred format ids for both audio and video.
  • Added support for piped links.
  • Fixed video formats display bug.
  • Adjusted 'from' and 'to' textboxes width in cut video screen.
  • Added search engines in search view.
  • Removed filename template override for empty user input.
  • Fixed occasional crash on tablets.
  • Added drag handle to scrolling content.
  • Added pause functionality with note on YT-DLP process delay.
  • Improved video player load speed for YouTube videos.
  • Option to turn off cookie usage.
  • Various fixes in cut screen.
  • Save command templates as extra commands by default.
  • Fixed YouTube link saving and data refetch issue.
  • Fixed scrolling issue in download queue screen.
  • Fixed active downloads termination on app exit.
  • Added rewind button in cut section.
  • Fixed play button display in cut section.
  • Renamed "Downloading" to "Downloads" in preferences screen.
  • Added embed metadata preference.